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Özdoğrular Acconting Services Turkey PDF Yazdır e-Posta
11 Mayıs 2009


In today's technology supported markets, companies have to concentrate on their primary fields in order to reach a higher level of perfection in their business.

For this reason, companies are using specialized organizations do the work that is still very important, and yet outside of their main areas of activity (like Accounting, Payroll, Human Resources, Reporting, and Legal Operations), and thereby increasing the quality of these operations, while reducing the overhead. Today, almost every type and size of company is headed towards outsourcing.

Outsourcing is a very rapidly developing business model. Using a company’s internal resources (personnel, hardware, software), neither provides a cost advantage, nor allows for a third party to check the work being done in general, and the desired results are not always achieved. Additionally, it's not always easy to acquire the personnel to perform the desired services. That's why companies are leaning towards the use of outsourcing (contractors) for these types of service functions, and turning over both their workload, and the responsibility to service providers. And because the service provider is also an expert in that field, the work is done quickly, with higher quality, and for lower-cost to the employer.


• Lowers operational costs and provides review,

• Allows companies to concentrate more on their primary activities,

• Increases the quality of processes,

• Allows the company to use expertise not found within the company,

• Directs the internal resources, whose time has been

saved, to work on other necessary areas,

• Shortens manufacture and application processes,

• Minimizes and shares risks,

• Adds flexibility to functionality,

• Is a business model necessary for the application of changing fixed costs to variable costs.

Our Services

• Accounting Services,

• Payroll Services,

• Reporting Services,

• Accounting Personnel Support Service,

• Accounting/Tax Filing Review,

• Accounting Consulting,

• Tax Filing Signature and Conveyance with SMMM

(Certified Public Accountant) password,

• Accounting System Establishment and Application


• Legal Services,

Özdoğrular Accounting services